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What You Need to Know About Eating Mushrooms

Mikkie Mills
Mushrooms of all types are in the headlines of recent studies and research, and if you know which mushrooms to eat, they have been found to have incredible health benefits with no known side effects.
For thousands of years, Chaga mushrooms have been used for medicinal purposes, and today, they are typically available in tea or supplement form. Chaga mushrooms are packed with fiber and have incredible anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, and they are low in calories.
Chaga mushrooms have a unique taste from most of the varieties of mushrooms because they are slightly bitter, and have a trace of natural vanilla. By adding Stevia, Monk Fruit or raw honey, this mushroom makes a distinctively delicious and healthy tea.

History of the Chaga Mushroom, an Amazing Fungi

The Chaga mushroom is considered a fungus, but it is a mushroom, which grows on the sides of trees and looks like a large lump of charcoal. Its appearance is extremely unappealing, but when you slice into this mushroom, the inside will surprise you because it is bright orange!
From ancient ages, Chaga mushrooms have been used as a traditional, natural medicine to boost the immune system. The immune system is the center of overall health and well-being in humans, commonly known as the Defender of the body.
The immune system works to ensure that all of the other systems are working properly while preventing free radical cells from doing damage as they move through the body. In these cold regions, preventing colds and frequent cases of flu is significant, so Chaga mushrooms are a valuable source of nutrients that improve the body's natural defenses.

The Benefits of This Super-Nutritious Mushroom

Mushrooms generally fall into two categories, either those mushrooms that are extremely healthy and filled with essential nutrition for the body and brain or they are poisonous and may be fatal if ingested.
For this reason, you must always purchase raw mushrooms and supplements from reliable sources such as retail stores, markets or reputable online sources. It is never suggested to use mushrooms that you may find growing wild outdoors.
So, this mushroom benefits the entire body and many studies have shown that Chagas act to fight cancer cells in the lung, breast, liver, prostate, and colon. Cancer is an autoimmune disease, so the nutrients in Chaga mushrooms fight against this disease and other diseases that affect the immune system like RA arthritis.
These mushrooms are mainly used in supplement or extract form to reduce inflammation and improve gut damage by inhibiting inflammatory cytokines.

Check With Your Physician

Chaga mushrooms are generally well-tolerated, but supplements and natural remedies are not recognized by the FDA, so always consult with your doctor to ensure there are you have no chaga mushroom side effects due to allergies or the use of other medicines.
Research has not been performed for women who are pregnant or breastfeeding, so it is recommended that these groups avoid using these mushrooms. More research is being conducted to determine its optimal dosage.