A vodka gimlet is a kind of cocktail that is made with vodka or gin and lime juice. Keep reading to know more...
A cocktail is something that is best enjoyed on a sunny afternoon or as a party drink. The crisp clean flavor of vodka gets delicately balanced with a hint of citrus due to the lemon juice. The refreshing flavor of vodka gimlet makes it a summer time favorite. It is surprisingly easy to make, and here we will show you how to make this cocktail in different ways.
Simple Vodka Gimlet
Before you make a vodka gimlet, you need to make a lime cordial. Home-made lime cordial is used as a substitute for the bottled lime cordial, that is syrupy in nature.
1½ cups water
1 teaspoon citric acid
Juice of 5 lemons
¾ cup granulated sugar
½ teaspoon tartaric acid
2 teaspoons lime zest
2 ounce vodka
2 tablespoons lime cordial
Ice cubes
Lime wedges
Method Mix citric acid and tartaric acid together with granulated sugar. In a small saucepan, bring water to boil and then add the sugar mixture in it. Stir the sugar mixture with a ladle until it has completely dissolved. Allow the sugar syrup to cool, and then add the lime juice and zest and stir again.
Put the mixture back on heat and simmer at a low flame for 2 to 3 minutes. Allow the mixture to cool down and then refrigerate overnight. Strain the lime zest from the lime cordial and pour it into a clean bottle.
Now we will proceed to make the vodka gimlet. In a cocktail shaker, add the ice cubes, vodka and lime cordial. Shake the cocktail shaker vigorously for a few times and then pour out the cocktail into martini glasses. Garnish the drink with a wedge of lime.
Lemon Basil Vodka Gimlet
4 cups fresh basil leaves
4 cups water
2 cups sugar
Zest of 2 lemons
1½ cups vodka
1½ cups fresh lemon juice
Ice cubes
Sprigs of lemon
Slices of lemon
Method In a small saucepan, add 4 cups of water along with the sugar, lemon zest and basil leaves. Stir this mixture until all the sugar has dissolved and the basil leaves have wilted. Allow the mixture to come to room temperature and then cover and chill for an hour. Strain the mixture through a strainer.
In a big pitcher, stir in the vodka, ice cubes, freshly squeezed lemon juice and 2 cups of basil lemon syrup. Pour out the drink in small cocktail glasses, and garnish with basil sprigs and slices of lemon.
Grapefruit Vodka Gimlet
¼ cup grapefruit vodka
¼ cup regular vodka
Ice cubes
¼ cup fresh lime juice
2 tablespoons simple syrup
Lime slices
Method In a cocktail shaker, add the grapefruit vodka, regular vodka, fresh lime juice and simple syrup along with the ice cubes. Shake the cocktail shaker vigorously for a minute and pour into martini glasses. Garnish with lime slices.
Raspberry Gimlet
6 ounce raspberry vodka
1 ounce lime juice
Ice cubes
Powdered sugar
Lime wedges
Method Squeeze a lime wedge on the rim of the martini glass. Pour the powdered sugar on a napkin and gently invert the martini glass into the powdered sugar. Now in a cocktail shaker, mix together the raspberry vodka, ice cubes and lime juice and give it a good shake. Pour the raspberry gimlet in the martini glass to serve.
Calories in a vodka gimlet are around 150 per glass. This cocktail is very easy to make as it requires very little ingredients. Have fun mixing up this great cocktail and enjoy the refreshing taste.