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Things You Must Know About Tarragon Vinegar

Try these tarragon vinegar recipes presented here.
Puja Lalwani
Tarragon is a perennial herb, that has a well-defined, bittersweet flavor, and a strong aroma. It has been used to flavor a variety of dishes, from eggs, to soups, to a simple tarragon chicken salad. Use it fresh or dried, it has a wonderful effect and the ability to beautifully flavor a variety of food recipes.
As the name suggests, tarragon vinegar is a vinegar prepared with tarragon leaves. Again, it has been used in a variety of preparations to add a delicious, subtle flavor to them. It can be used in a chicken, fish, turkey, or pork marinade, but is primarily used as a salad dressing.
Always remember, the taste of Russian tarragon does not match up to that of French tarragon, so always opt for the latter. Now tarragon vinegar is available at a variety of stores and even online if you wish to purchase it. If you have difficulty finding it, try preparing it on your own with the recipes given here.


Though ideally prepared in white wine vinegar, tarragon vinegar can also be prepared using other types of vinegar such as champagne and apple cider.

From White Wine Vinegar

  • Fresh tarragon leaves, 1 bunch
  • White wine vinegar, 2 cups
Take a large jar, and put in the tarragon leaves after washing them well and patting them dry. Use a wooden spoon to gently bruise the leaves, once placed in the jar. This will release the flavor from the leaves. Pour in the white wine vinegar. Seal the jar tightly, and shake it well.
Place it in a cool, dark place for about 2-3 weeks, so that the flavors of the tarragon leaves blend in with the vinegar. After the vinegar has matured, strain it into a clean, sterilized jar using a wire mesh strainer lined with a paper coffee filter or a muslin cloth. Put one sprig of tarragon into each bottle of vinegar, and use whenever desired.

From Champagne Vinegar

  • Fresh tarragon leaves, 1 cup
  • Champagne vinegar, 2 cups
Take a large jar, and put in the tarragon leaves after washing them well and patting them dry. Use a wooden spoon to gently bruise the leaves, once placed in the jar. Alternately, you may crumble the leaves with your hands. In a non-aluminum saucepan over a medium flame, heat the vinegar till small bubbles begin to appear.
Don't boil the vinegar. Pour it into the jar with the tarragon leaves. Allow it to cool, and store the jar in a cool, dark place. Let it stay till the vinegar is thoroughly flavored. Once mature, strain the vinegar into jars and garnish it with some fresh tarragon leaves.
To prepare tarragon vinegar from apple cider vinegar, follow the same procedure mentioned for champagne vinegar.

Additional Helpful Tips

  • Tarragon vinegar needn't necessarily comprise just tarragon. You can make it tastier with the addition of other herbs and spices that make interesting vinegar ingredients. Along with fresh tarragon leaves, add in garlic cloves, a few black peppercorns, cloves, or lemon zest.
  • Tarragon vinegar prepared at home will last for about 6 months. However, it may begin to turn dark over time. This is more common if it is stored in a jar covered with a metal lid. To prevent this, before you screw on the lid, cover the jar with a plastic wrap. This will reduce the discoloration of the vinegar.
  • If you are unable to find fresh tarragon, use dried leaves. They also work well to evoke the right flavors in the vinegar.
  • Always use fresh, clean and well-sterilized jars to prepare and store the vinegar. To do so, wash the jars with warm water and soap and then dry them in the oven at a low temperature. Alternately, in the dish washer, turn up the temperature during the drying cycle. This should clean them well. Don't forget to boil the lids of the jars in water for 10 mins.
  • You can also use corked bottles to store the vinegar.
  • Not only can you prepare tarragon vinegar for your own use, it makes a wonderful gift for those who love cooking. Just present it in a beautiful bottle with the tarragon sprig garnish.
No commercial food product beats the flavors of its homemade counterpart. Compare the two and you will be able to tell the difference.