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How to Sprout Lentils at Home

You can sprout lentils at home instead of purchasing them. Here are some useful tips on the same.
Ningthoujam Sandhyarani
Sprouts of lentils, beans, pulses, and other edible seeds are being used as nutrient rich, healthy foods since a long time. The endosperm of the seed is a miniature storehouse for the essential nutrients required for healthy functioning of our body system.
Also, sprouts are a versatile food item which you can have in the raw form or cook them using different methods. Lentils are a rich source of proteins, vitamin B, folate, iron, dietary fiber, and minerals. Nevertheless, similar to other sprouts, the nutritional content of lentils are much higher when they are in the sprouting or germinating phase.
Considering the several health benefits they provide, more and more food items based on sprouted lentils have been introduced in the market. One such item that is worth a try is the sprouted grain bread, made exclusively from the sprouts. Devoid of yeast, this bread is also an excellent nutritive choice for those who are restricted from yeast-based foods.
Many of us believe that growing sprouts at home requires special equipment, which is not the case. In fact, sprouting lentils is very easy and requires little equipment. And one more plus point is that doing so will give you fresher sprouts in a much lesser price.

Required Supplies

  • Dried lentils (preferably organic)
  • Wide-mouthed jar(s) or sprouting container(s)
  • Muslin cloth or light cloth
  • Rubber band

Directions for Sprouting

  • Select dried lentils, green or brown, smaller or larger ones, as per your choice. However, larger lentils will require a longer time for sprouting.
  • Measure the quantity of lentils; dried lentils will give three times the amount when sprouted.
  • In a regular utensil, soak them for about 8-14 hours. For the smaller variety, 8 hours soaking period is sufficient, whereas larger ones will require 13-14 hours of soaking.
  • Drain the water, and rinse under slow running water.
  • Transfer them to the jar and cover them loosely with a piece of the muslin cloth. Fasten the cloth with rubber bands to secure them.
  • Place the jars in a semi lit corner of the room.
  • After every 8-10 hours, remove the cloth, drain the water, thoroughly rinse the lentils, and place them back in the jars.
  • On the third day, you will notice the lentil sprouts are ½-inch long. You can have these sprouted lentils or wait for another day to let them grow longer.
Once the sprouts are ready, you can eat them raw or use your culinary skills to cook some delicious dishes using them. As per dietetics, the health benefits of spudded lentils are more when consumed raw. This is because some percentage of nutrients are lost while cooking them. You can have the sprouted lentils just by sprinkling them with salt and pepper.