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Sprouting Beans and Lentils

Sheetal Mandora
A diet of sprouted beans and lentils is not just nutritious, but a big step towards leading a healthier lifestyle. There are certain steps to sprout beans and lentils at home.
Eating beans and lentils means acquiring tremendous amount of proteins, vitamin A, C & B-6, calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, and other nutrients from your diet. Here are a few ways you can sprout it at home.

Process to Sprout

Beans such as garbanzo, green peas, kidney beans, black-eyed peas, and chickpeas have carbohydrates. Whereas lentils such as yellow, red-orange, brown, black, white, and green have proteins in it.


  • Before we begin, rinse the beans properly under cold water at least 2―3 times.
  • Take a large bowl, and keep the beans in it. Pour warm water to soak the beans, keeping at least 2 inches of water above it. Soak the beans overnight.
  • The next day, pour the beans in another bowl, and cover it with a muslin cloth. Either tie the ends of the cloth, or use a rubber band to bind it properly.
  • Rinse the beans twice a day by refilling the bowl with water (fresh), and drain it completely.
  • In 3―4 days, you will see that the beans have sprouted in the bowl. Keep them in the sun for couple of hours when you start seeing at least an inch long shoots. The seeds that did not sprout should be discarded.


  • Each lentil has a different flavor, and depending on the size of the pulses, the sprouting time may vary. Submerge the lentils in clean, lukewarm water, and store it overnight; at least 8―12 hours.
Take only desired amount of lentils as they tend to quadruple when you sprout them.
  • The next morning, rinse the lentils thoroughly so all the toxins and acids can be removed. Drain the water properly, and keep them in another large bowl. You can opt to slightly cover the bowl with a lid or a clean cloth. Store the bowl in a dimly lit, yet cool place.
  • Leave it there for another 8―12 hours for at least 3 days; keep rinsing it under clean water everyday, twice a day. Check the tenderness of the lentils by eating few of them after 2 days. If you want the lentils more tender, leave them so for another day or two.
  • On the final day, rinse the lentils thoroughly, and refrigerate the bowl with a cloth as a cover. Use the lentils within a week of sprouting them.

Using a Jar

A common method of sprouting the beans is in a glass canning jar that are easily found in your local grocery store.
The most important aspect is to buy one that can provide enough fresh air and cover the mouth of the jar with a muslin or nylon cloth. Your grocery store might also have special lids designed for sprouting.
  • Assume you bought a quart-size jar. Depending on which type of beans you want to sprout, pour 2 tablespoons of it into the jar. 
Add warm water inside, rinse the beans, drain it, and pour warm water in so that it stays at least 1 inch above the seeds. Place the sprouting lid or muslin cloth on top and soak them for about 8―12 hours or overnight. Keep a clean towel wrapped around the jar to protect it from light.
  • The next morning, rinse the beans couple of times in water (fresh) for 2―3 days. Drain the beans properly so that no water remains. Place the jar over to its side so the beans have enough room to spread. Keep a clean towel wrapped around the jar as it still can't be exposed to any light. After couple of days, the jar should be filling itself with the beans.
  • Regularly check if your beans have sprouted or not. Once they do, take them out of the jar, rinse them again, and use them immediately. You can also refrigerate the sprouts for a week or so, provided you rinse them at least once a day. Sprouts get really sensitive toward frosting, so avoid placing them in a freezer.
Draining the beans thoroughly will provide you sprouts without any sticky molds. Use a fine cloth, instead of a sprouting lid, to cover the mouth of a jar or bowl is found helpful with small size beans or lentils.