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Sprouting Alfalfa Seeds

Mamta Mule
Mentioned below is the perfect way of sprouting alfalfa seeds. Follow the procedure to get healthy sprouts and have them directly or add them to your favorite food to enhance the taste and nutritional value of the dish.
Alfalfa seeds are extremely nutritious. You can gain maximum alfalfa benefits by sprouting them. The nutritional value of alfalfa sprouts is quite high and hence they are known to be one of the healthiest foods you can have. Eating sprouts every morning is recommended by many nutritionists.
These play an important role in weight management as well. These seeds are one of the commonly sprouted seeds, which are high in vitamins and antioxidants. While you can easily get alfalfa sprouts at grocery stores, why not make them at home.
Once you learn how to sprout the seeds, you can grow them whenever required. Moreover, it also saves money. So, let's see the exact way of sprouting alfalfa seeds.

Procedure to Follow at Home

To start the procedure, you'll need a packet of alfalfa sprouting seeds, water, rubber band, string, nylon tulle, and a glass jar (the size of which depends upon the quantity of seeds). Before you start the procedure, know some of the basics of sprouting.

Essential Factors

Though sprouting might seem an easy procedure, there are a few factors that contribute to the growth of the sprouts. Firstly, they need air for growth, hence sealing the container won't help the sprouting process. Warmth is another factor essential for sprouting.
Temperature between 70 to 75ºF is known to be ideal. Cold weather will slow the process. After soaking, sprouts will need water every 12 hours. Less water can dry them up and too much of it can cause them to rot. Make sure you do not pack the vessel or bag with these seeds.
Sprouts increase in size and hence, you need to give them enough space to grow. Well, now that you know the basics, let's get the alfalfa sprouting seeds and start the procedure.


  • Take the required quantity of alfalfa sprouting seeds in a wide plate and just check them. Remove the damaged seeds. Put the remaining ones in the glass jar.
  • Take a woven fabric or the nylon tulle fabric and place it over the opening of the jar to cover it properly. Secure it using a rubber band or a string.
  • Pour water into the jar to cover the seeds. Make sure the water level is about 2 inches above the seeds. Leave the jar and let the seeds soak overnight.
  • Next morning, just turn over the jar and let the water drain through the nylon tulle. Water needs to be completely drained out, else it may cause the seeds to rot.
  • Leaving the seeds inside, just turn the jar around to move the seeds and distribute them. Rinse these seeds with water once a day. In case the weather is hot, rinse them twice a day. Continue this for about 4-5 days. After 4-5 days the sprouts will be of about 1-2 inches long and ready to be used!
Once this healthy food is ready, rinse, drain off the water, and place them in a wide plate. Now spread them and place this plate in the sun for about 15 minutes. Yes, now they are just perfect to be added to salads, omelets, sandwiches, soups, stir-fries, etc. Enjoy tasty dishes with these healthy seeds.