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16 Situations People Who are Always Hungry Will Understand

Tanaya Navalkar

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If food is your true love, always hungry, never satisfied, this story will resonate.
"I like food. I like eating. And I don't want to deprive myself of good food."
― Sarah Michelle Gellar

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"Food: The ultimate companion for foodies and the perpetually hungry.
If you fall in the latter category, welcome to the club! The always-hungry people are never satisfied or full, even if they might have had a hearty meal like half an hour back. If they see food, they start feeling hungry again.
They get constant hunger pangs that turns them into a monster who will gobble up everything. They can snack all day, with anything they can lay their hands on.
Struggles of People Who are Super Hungry all the Time
You think of eating right when you wake up as well as before sleeping.
You're hungry when you wake up in the morning. Reality strikes when you check the time and realize it's been just 7 hours. Some need morning coffee to function, but you need your breakfast, your reason to wake up everyday.
Midnight snacks are your favorite, and you can't imagine going to bed without grabbing a bite or two.

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Your stomach is a big monster that is never full
Your endless hunger makes your stomach a ravenous monster.
You are always planning your next meal
Always thinking about food? You might have a food hangover.
You're always grumpy if deprived of food
Friends call you 'hangry' and you know it's true.
While other people have emotions like happy, sad, etc., you only feel hungry, again hungry, horribly hungry! Whether you are stressed, happy, sad, or depressed, you just eat. You believe that it solves all your problems in life.
And when you are hungry and don't get to eat food, you turn into a different person, especially when in restaurant waiting for your food to arrive. You tend to get cranky and start throwing tantrums all over.
Stomach always rumbling and growling.
Stomach always growling, people know you're always hungry.

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You always claim the last slice of pizza.
Last slice of pizza or burger? Reserved for you.
You're never too full for dessert

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Love dessert? Your appetite knows no bounds.
Some more problems that you would relate to...
- Can't stand sharing food? Mentally stab anyone who tries taking a bite.
- Spend all your money on food, then wonder where it went.
- Dieting? What's that?" Your reaction when someone suggests it.
- You: annoyed at food-photo delays. Think: "Just. Eat. Your. Food."
Food never disappoints, unlike people or significant others.
You share a love-hate relationship with grocery shopping, since you are always struggling between what to buy and what not to. Why? Because you feel like buying everything.
You have a habit of carrying snacks in your bag always, just in case you get stuck somewhere for hours without any food.
Lunch breaks are the best because of FOOD! That hour before lunch feels endless.
You're probably snacking while reading this story. Oh, you can continue to do so, because you're in the 'no judging' zone.