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Parsley Sauce Recipes

Deepa Kartha

Ever tried making a sauce with parsley? This story will give you a variety of recipes on how to make sauce with this amazing herb.
Parsley is a commonly used herb for culinary purposes across the world. Parsley sauce is an important element in traditional British cooking. It is also recommended by doctors since it has a number of health benefits. It contains calcium, potassium, manganese, and is also a rich source of vitamin C. Although the herb is mainly used for garnishing, its sauce can add a delicious touch to any dish.

Basic Recipe


  • 4 heaped tablespoons fresh parsley, finely chopped
  • 1 sliced onion
  • 1½ ounces butter
  • 1 bay leaf
  • 1 teaspoon lemon juice
  • 15 fluid ounces milk
  • 10 whole black peppercorns
  • 3 teaspoons single cream
  • 1 blade of mace
  • ¾ ounce plain flour
  • A few parsley stalks
  • Salt and black pepper, to taste


Add the milk, parsley stalks, bay leaf, sliced onion, and mace, to a small saucepan. Place it on the stove and heat it on a low flame. When the mixture starts to simmer, take it off the stove and transfer it to a bowl. Set it aside to cool down. Once it reaches room temperature, pour the liquid back into the pan through a strainer.
Set it on medium heat, and add the butter and flour to the flavored milk, stirring it continuously so that no lumps are formed. When the mixture starts to simmer, lower the flame and allow the mixture to cook for another 5 minutes, or till you get the right consistency.
Add the chopped parsley, lemon juice, cream, salt, and pepper, to it; serve with your choice of steamed, grilled, fried fish.

Sauce for Chicken


  • 1 whole chicken breast, split
  • ½ lemon, juiced
  • 2 tablespoons parsley, chopped
  • 2 tablespoons butter
  • Salt and freshly ground pepper, to taste


Melt the butter in a small saucepan. In a baking dish, place the chicken breast, after seasoning it with the salt and pepper. Pour just half of the melted butter over it. Preheat the oven to 450 °F and bake the chicken for 25 to 30 minutes, or till it becomes crisp and golden brown. Once this is done, transfer the baked chicken to a serving platter. Add the remaining melted butter, lemon juice, parsley, salt, and pepper, to the baking dish, and mix them with the drippings. Pour the gravy over the chicken; serve hot.

Sauce for Grilled Steak


  • ½ cup fresh Italian parsley, chopped
  • ¼ cup distilled white vinegar
  • 4 bay leaves
  • ½ cup fresh oregano, chopped
  • 1 flank steak
  • 2 jalapeños, roughly chopped
  • ½ cup cilantro, freshly chopped
  • 4 garlic cloves
  • ⅓ cup extra virgin olive oil
  • Salt and pepper, to taste


Preheat a barbecue grill on a high temperature. In a blender, purée the jalapeños, vinegar, bay leaves, and garlic, until smooth. Transfer the paste to a bowl; add the cilantro, oregano, parsley, olive oil, salt, and pepper, to it. Mix it up and keep it aside. Now, season the flank steak with salt, olive oil, and pepper. Grill it for 2 to 3 minutes or longer if you prefer well-done meat. Slice it up and serve with the parsley sauce.
If you have some leftover chicken, fish, or meat, try combining them with these sauce recipes and there's sure to be applause at the dinner table.