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Alcoholic and Non-alcoholic Mexican Drink Recipes

Mexican drinks are known for their delicate aroma and flavorsome taste. Here are some alcoholic and non-alcoholic recipes.
Ashlesha Bhondwe
Mexico is the land of spices, beautiful people, sombreros, and of course all the lovely cocktails. Well Mexican drinks are not just alcoholic, there are also several non-alcoholic ones which you can enjoy and share with your whole family. These are the best mixed drinks one could ever have. The Mexicans sure know how to make a perfect drink, whether alcoholic or not. Here are a few recipes for you.

Alcoholic Drinks

Classic Margarita

  • Tequila, 2 oz. (reposado or blanco)
  • Cointreau, 1 oz.
  • Lime Juice, 1 oz. (freshly squeezed)
  • Salt, as per taste
  • Ice, 3 cubes (crushed)
Mix tequila, Cointreau, and lime juice using a cocktail shaker. Put in some crushed ice. Take a margarita glass and moisten it's rim with water or lime juice. Invert the glass and coat the rim with salt. Shake and strain it into the glass carefully. Your drink is ready.


  • Mexican Beer, 1½ oz. (dark)
  • Coarse Salt, as per taste
  • Tabasco or Tapatio, ½ tsp.
  • Soy Sauce, just a dash
  • Worcestershire Sauce, just a dash
  • Ice, 2 cubes
Salt the rim of the glass by moistening it with water or lime juice. Fill ½ glass with ice and pour in the lime juice, tabasco, soy sauce, and Worcestershire sauce. Mix these well and top the rest ½ with beer. Put a lime wedge on the rim and serve chilled.

Mexican Colada

  • Tequila, 1½ oz.
  • Coffee Liqueur, ¼ oz.
  • Pineapple Juice, 2 oz.
  • Coconut Cream, ¼ oz.
  • Cream, ¾ oz.
Mix the tequila, coffee liqueur, pineapple juice, coconut cream, and cream over ice in a cocktail shaker. Strain this into a tall glass and serve it with crushed ice.

Non Alcoholic Mexican Drinks


  • Rice, 1 cup (long grains)
  • Water, 5 cups
  • Cinnamon Stick, ½
  • Sugar, ½ cup
  • Milk, ½ cup
  • Vanilla Extract, ½ tbsp.
Blend the rice and water for a minute. Let this mixture stand at room temperature for around 2 - 3 hours. Strain the rice water into a pitcher. Add milk, vanilla, cinnamon, and sugar in the rice water and stir well. Serve it with ice.

Aqua Fresca with Fruits and Citrus Juice

  • Water, 4 cups
  • Sugar or Honey, ¼ cup
  • Lime Juice, 2 tsp.
  • Fresh Fruits, 2 cups (peeled and chopped)
  • Lime Wedges, 3
Blend the fruits along with water and strain it into a pitcher. Add lime juice and sugar. Stir it well. Garnish it with a lime wedge and serve it with ice.
These were some easy and simple recipes. They look lovely, colorful, and tempting. If you have a family party, you could enjoy your margaritas while the kids enjoy their Aqua Fresca.