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List of Healthy Grains and Their Facts

Of the several grains that we use daily in our diet, here are some important ones listed for you...
Pragya Singh
1. Wheat
China is the largest producer of wheat.
Wheat needs around 110 to 130 days to get ready to be harvested! 
2. Barley
Russia is the largest producer of barley.
It takes 6 to 8 weeks for barley to get ready so that it can be harvested!
3. Corn
USA is the largest producer of corn.
Corn takes about 60 to 100 days to get ready to be harvested!
4. Oats
Russia is the largest producer of oats.
Oats require 4 to 5 months to get ready before harvested!
5. Quinoa
With Peru being the largest producer, 
 Quinoa needs 90 to 120 days to get ready before it can be harvested!
6. White Rice
China is the largest producer of white rice.
White rice gets ready to be harvested in 105 to 150 days!
7. Farro
Italy is the largest producing country of Farro.
The harvesting time of Farro is maximum 9 months.
8. Rye
European Union is the largest producer of rye.
Rye is best harvested 7 to 10 days before it reaches maturity.
Facts You Would Love to Know...
It is rather interesting to know that grains were first eaten about 75,000 years ago in western Asia.
The Great Wall of China has sticky rice, with slaked lime, used as mortar between the bricks. This is the best available material to restore ancient buildings till date.
Oats and rye which were initially weeds, imitated wheat and barley, and were later farmed on purpose.