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Tempting And Healthy Lunch Box Ideas for Kids

Madhura Pandit
In order to make your kid finish off his lunch box every day, it has to be healthy as well as tempting. Here are interesting lunch box ideas that will be helpful to you.
You may not wish your child to eat lunch at the school for several reasons. You want him/her to avoid unhealthy food and also want to know what he/she eats every day. Therefore, you decide that your kid will carry a lunch box to school every day.
This seems very exciting at the beginning, as you can plan and monitor what your kid eats. Some days later you find your child complaining about the lunch being monotonous. Here are a few lunch box ideas to make your child look forward to his lunch.


Although this is one of the most common lunch box ideas, you can use different recipes or fillings every day. You can switch from white bread to brown to whole grain bread. You can even make a sandwich with tortilla wraps, pita bread, ciabatta bread, and so on.
Kids will also love it, if you cut the sandwich in attractive shapes like a triangle, star or a round. You can even pack bread sticks with cheese dip or a sausage cheese dip. Take your child's choices into consideration and make sandwich filling accordingly.
You can go for a PBJ, cheese and jelly sandwich, turkey salad sandwich, ham and cheese sandwich, tomato basil and cheese sandwich, Nutella sandwich, etc.


Although a difficult task, pack salads with different combinations for kids to eat. Healthy salads are essential for kid's health. Do not have the misconception that you should not include warm foodstuffs into lunch boxes.
You can pack soups, pasta in thermos for the kids to enjoy warm food. Prepare a vegetable pasta or pasta salad so as to make your kids eat vegetables. Soups are a good option as they can be made on the earlier day, and can be just heated and packed on the next day.


An apple is a good option for lunch box, but, it can soon turn boring. Try a different fruit every day, or make a fruit salad, fruit smoothie/juice. You can include grape tomatoes, dried fruits or baby carrots. Cut it into pieces rather than packing the whole fruit.

Healthy Snacks

Once a week, try to include the child's favorite food in his lunch box. You can include a slice of cake, some home-made cookies, a slice of pizza, muffins, potato wedges along with the sandwich or nachos with guacamole dip.
Try to sneak in vegetables to pasta dishes, salads, sandwiches, so that kids won't notice it and eat happily. You should try to make the lunch box as attractive and colorful, as possible. Do not repeat the same dish twice in the same week. You can also include kids in shopping and planning for weekly lunch.
You can try planning and making lunch box a fun-filled activity. If you involve kids in it, they will look forward to having lunch without complaints and you will no longer have any reason to worry.