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How to Make Strawberry Smoothies

Fatima Rangwala
I have dished out some easy and quick strawberry smoothie recipes in the following story. So, quickly learn how to make strawberry smoothies; in fact, try 'em all out and enjoy a glass of each of them, whenever you wish to pamper yourself.
There are so many people in this world who literally crave for the savory, sweet taste of the famous tiny, red fruit called strawberry. This fruit is not only known for its eye-catching red color and sweet taste, but is enriched with loads of those 'strawberry calories', nutrition and vitamins, especially vitamin C.
You can easily blend this fruit with any other fruit or food recipe and I can vouch that its taste would ameliorate your taste buds even more. Although strawberries are always relished in its own sweet ways, let's learn how to make a strawberry smoothie. It is going to be delicious, fresh and delightful! Sounds like an icing on a cake right?!
Smoothies are generally blended drinks, which are packed with loads of nutritious elements, vitamins, minerals and countless other substantial dairy products like yogurt, milk and so on.
Imagine, if you happen to fuse all these substances with the delightful bunch of fresh strawberries; you wouldn't just get a healthy drink, you would get a luscious, unforgettable taste of a drink, which would linger in your mouth until the next time you plan to make it.

Delicious Strawberry Smoothie Recipes

Basic Recipe

Usually, no added preservatives or sweeteners are added in the smoothie because it generally happens that the stock of the strawberries available in the market are sweet. What's more is, this recipe is the basic smoothie recipe you can prepare in a matter of minutes.
If you plan to have friends coming over to your place for an evening snack or a luncheon, be generous enough to fill some glasses of this lip-smacking smoothie too!
  • Strawberries (12 frozen ones)
  • 1 cup of Ice cubes
  • ½ cup of Milk
  • ⅓ cup of Orange juice
  • ½ teaspoon of Strawberry Ice cream
  • 2 teaspoons Honey
  • 1 teaspoon Sugar (optional)
In a blender, add the measured quantities of strawberries and orange juice and also add 1 cup of ice. Blend them along with the other ingredients at equal intervals for a good 10 seconds.
Continue blending until you see that the mixture is totally smooth. Once you notice that, stop the blender and pour the delicious smoothie in tall glasses, serve and enjoy its taste to the fullest!

Strawberry Smoothie Without Yogurt

I know how it feels to have ingredients in a recipe, which we aren't so fond of consuming. If yogurt happens to be the ingredient which you aren't a big fan of, perhaps going for milk in lieu of yogurt would do away with those frowns on your temple. So here is a special yogurt-free recipe coming your way...
  • 1 cup Chilled Milk
  • Sweetener (Optional)
  • Strawberries (12 frozen ones)
It's simple. Put all the ingredients into a blender and blend till it's smooth. It can happen that your strawberries can be too sweet, which clearly wouldn't need any sweetener, but if the fruits that are used have a slight tangy effect, add sweeteners like sugar, a non-calorie sweetener or honey and sweeten the entire smoothie.
Once everything has blended well, serve in a tall glass and enjoy!

Banana and Strawberry Smoothie

Here is another tasty recipe you can try out, in case you have some leftover bananas at home, which you haven't got a chance to eat and they in no time are likely to start rotting. What you can do is - mix strawberry with banana and create a delicious, mouth-watering banana and strawberry smoothie as a light snack-time refreshing drink.
  • Strawberries (6 large ones)
  • ½ cup Orange juice
  • 1 Banana(s) (Sliced/Frozen)
Well, smoothies are made the easiest to make, in fact even children can learn how to prepare strawberry and banana smoothie, if the child is by any chance home-alone! Put everything in a blender and blend until smooth.
If you are making it for a group of people and wish to increase the consistency of your delicious smoothie, pour in more orange juice and smooth it out well. Next, add a sweetener if needed as per the taste required. Pour it in a tall glass and have a refreshing time with your legs unfolded on a hammock!

Low-fat Chocolate and Strawberry Smoothie

For all weight watchers, who want to experience the bliss of strawberry and chocolate together, here's another method that will most definitely please your taste buds.
  • Strawberries (12 nos. frozen/chopped)
  • Dark chocolate, grated
  • 2 tablespoons Cocoa powder
  • 3-4 cups Skimmed milk
  • 4 tablespoons Brown sugar
  • 1 cup Ice Cubes
Add all the ingredients in a blender and blend for 1 minute. Your smoothie is ready. For your topping, you can thinly slice some strawberries or add chocolate sauce over the smoothie and serve.
Strawberry smoothies are extremely popular as a drink of refreshment amongst the party animals, health conscious masses, fruit juice lovers (particularly strawberry lovers) and many more. Strawberries give an equally strong aroma and flavor and blend well with other fruits and dairy products. So make a smoothie soon and let me know how it turned out to be. Bon appetit!