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How to Make Gelato

Mukta Gaikwad
Gelato, the Italian substitute for ice cream is the perfect treat on a warm summer afternoon. Read on to know how to make gelato in the most easiest way at home.
Gelato is the Italian answer to ice cream. However, a lot of people don't know the difference between the two. The former is made from whole milk and the latter is made using cream. This is why gelato is much thicker and richer in terms of quality as compared to ice cream. Another misconception about gelato is that it is made from gelatin.
There is no gelatin used in making this perfect summer dessert. The best part about this alternative is that it can be made in different flavors, at the same time. Find out how to make this simple dessert at home.

Make Gelato Ice Cream


  • 2 cups milk
  • 1 cup sugar
  • ¼ cup powdered milk
  • 8 egg yolks
  • 1 cup light cream
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 3 cups fruits (strawberries, peaches, raspberries or mangoes)
  • Ice cream maker
  • Ice cubes (equal to about 8 tray's worth)
  • 2 cups table salt
  • 1 large pot
  • 1 spatula


  • In the large pot, mix the sugar, milk, and powdered milk. Allow this mixture to simmer for a while over medium heat. Let the sugar dissolve completely with the other two ingredients. Once done, remove from the heat, and set aside.
  • Put the yolks of the eggs in a large bowl and whisk them till they are thick and pale yellow in color. If you are using a hand mixer, whisk it only for two minutes.
  • Now, slowly keep adding the hot milk mixture to the whipped yolks. Blend the mixture for a couple of seconds.
  • Once again pour the egg and milk mixture into a pan. Keep stirring till it is thick.
  • Add the cream and vanilla to the mixture, stir it well and place it in the refrigerator for about 24-48 hours.
  • While the egg and milk mixture cools itself, prepare the fruits that you would want to add in your gelato.
  • Clean the fruits that you want to add. For instance, remove the green tops from strawberries, peel the mangoes and cut out the fleshy parts and so on. Puree the fruits so to accentuate the flavor in the gelato.
  • If you want chocolate flavored gelato, add some chocolate syrup.
  • About 45 mins before you want to serve the gelato, stir the pureed fruits and the cooled mixture together. Pour it into an ice cream maker, layer it with ice and salt around the mixture. Turn it on and let it churn for 20-25 minutes. Keep adding ice and salt as per your requirement. The gelato should have a soft and creamy texture, with a thick consistency.
  • Once it reaches the desired consistency, serve it in ice cream bowls.
You can make gelato in myriad flavors such as coffee, chocolate chips, almond, banana, lemon, watermelon, grapes. Chilling the base of gelato (the egg and milk mixture) is mandatory to get a smooth base. 
You can garnish the gelato with biscuits, muffins, grated chocolate, Baileys Irish cream, or fresh fruits, the choice is yours! If you are wondering how to make gelato without an ice cream maker, I suggest that you avoid doing so. An ice cream maker makes your task easier and gives your effort the perfect finish.
Italians have been making gelato for over centuries. Since you are making this cold treat at home, you can use fat free milk and powdered milk. Using cow's milk for the same purpose is the best alternative. If you are very health conscious, use an artificial sweetener instead of sugar. There isn't a better dessert that is both, healthy and delectable!