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How to Make a Chocolate Martini

Rahul Thadani
If you like chocolate, and if you like martinis, then you must definitely learn to make and drink up a chocolate martini. This is a cocktail that can be experimented with a lot, thanks to the large amount of variations that you can come up with for the ingredients.
A martini is one of the most famous and well-known cocktails all around the world, and by learning to make the exquisite chocolate martini, you can add a unique and sweet taste to the drink. A regular one is a combination of gin (or vodka) and vermouth, and this mixture is garnished with an olive.
Martinis have been around for many decades now, and there are many different variations in which they can be prepared. One of the most famous cultural references to them are by the fictional spy James Bond, when he asks for his vodka martinis shaken, not stirred.
A chocolate martini brings the sinful taste of chocolate to this wonderful cocktail, and it does not compromise the alcoholic content and effect of the drink in any way whatsoever. You can try experimenting with a bunch of ingredients to come up with some new variations.

Chocolate Martini Recipes

Since there are many variations to this martini, you can alter the taste of the cocktail as you see fit. The addition of certain martini ingredients will obviously play a part, and even the way in which you mix these ingredients together and the amount of ice that you use will play a part in the formation of the taste of the cocktail.

Decadent Chocolate Martini

This is the most conventional and simplest form of this cocktail, and it is very simple to make. You will only need about 2 ounces of vodka, some ice, chocolate syrup, and about half an ounce of chocolate liqueur. Here are the steps that you need to follow.
  • Put ice into the cocktail shaker.
  • Now, pour the vodka into it.
  • Next, pour the chocolate liqueur, and shake the mixture vigorously.
  • Pour some chocolate syrup into the martini glass.
  • Now, pour the mixture from the shaker into the glass, while simultaneously straining the ice.
Your drink is now ready, and it will impress you with its unique taste. To add some more variations to the martini recipe, you can rim the glass with some powdered sugar or cocoa powder, and garnish the cocktail with some chocolate shavings, or you can chill the martini glass before adding the chocolate syrup inside it.
Here are some more ideas on how to make the best chocolate martini that you can implement in order to get a different and unique taste.
  • Instead of regular vodka you can use vanilla vodka.
  • Add some half and half into the shaker before you mix the concoction.
  • You can use brandy, gin, or light rum instead of the vodka as well.

Lady Godiva Chocolate Martini

This is a very popular form, and it is made by many different bartenders all around the world. People interested cannot ignore the recipe. You can try making this martini at home to see what one of the best chocolate martinis tastes like.
You will need 1 ounce of half and half, 2 ounces of Godiva dark chocolate liqueur, 2 ounces of Crème de Cacao, some chocolate shavings, and 2 ounces of Goldenbarr chocolate vodka. The sound of these ingredients is enough to get anyone's taste buds all excited. Here's what you need to do.
  • Pour some ice into a martini shaker.
  • Now, add the vodka, the liqueur, and the Crème de Cacao into the shaker, and shake the mixture for about a minute.
  • Add the half and half into the shaker, and swirl the mixture around gently.
  • Strain the mixture into a martini glass that is chilled, and garnish it with the chocolate shavings.
You can come up with your own variations and flavors based on your preferences, and the flavors of vodka you can find. Different brands and different flavors will bring different tastes, and even the liqueur that you use can be changed.
A chocolate martini is something that can only be made with practice and experience, and you must try all the different variations that you possibly can.