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How Long to Grill Steak?

Parul Solanki
Grilling steak perfectly can help you obtain tender juicy pieces of meat in no time. However, while grilling, there are a number of things that you need to take into consideration like the weight of the meat, the weather, and even the type of grill used. This story provides more information about the time needed for grilling steak.
Grilling the perfect steak is quite a pain with the hard pieces of meat becoming dry, tough, or leathery if they are overcooked. However, learning the secrets of "doneness" when grilling steaks helps you get that juicy and tender filet mignon in no time. One of the key aspects of this is knowing how long to grill steak.
Somehow, I have found that mastering grilling and getting the perfect steak is like an art form itself. It is important to keep in mind that the total cooking time will vary based on the thickness of the meat, the type of grill, fuel, weather conditions, and a whole lot of other factors. The most important factor though is to take into consideration the different types of "doneness". This includes rare, medium, and well-cooked grilled steak.

Time Needed for Grilling Steak

Before grilling the steak, allow it come to room temperature, and trim the excess fat off the steak. This helps in reducing the cooking time significantly. Now season it with olive oil, pepper, salt, or any other seasoning based on your choice.
Oil the grate and place each steak on the grill for one minute before turning. You need to grill the steak based on whether you want it rare or soft, medium, or firm. Here is the approximate cooking time of the steak based on the thickness.

Steak Thickness if Rare

1"(High Heat) for 8-10 Min
1 ½"(High Heat) for 16-20 Min
2"(Medium Heat) for 12-16 Min

Steak Thickness if Medium

1"(High Heat) for 10-14 Min
1 ½"(High Heat) for 16-20 Min
2"(Medium Heat) for 18-22 Min

Steak Thickness if Well

1"(High Heat) for 12-16 Min
1 ½"(High Heat) for 18-22 Min
2"(Medium Heat) for 24-28 Min
Once the meat is cooked, you can use the meat thermometer to check the internal temperature to regulate whether you want the grilled steak rare, medium rare, or well cooked. If you want to cook it rare, then the internal temperature should measure 125º to 135ºF while, medium rare steak should be grilled till the internal temperature reads 155º to 160ºF
Well done grilled steak's internal temperature reads around 165º to 170ºF. Remember that once you have taken it off heat, you need to let the steak rest for five minutes before carving. This will allow the juices to flow, letting the steak be nice and juicy.

Grilling Steak Kabobs

Whether you call it kabobs, satays, or skewers of meat and vegetables, this wonderful steak recipe is the ideal for picnics and outdoor festivities. Moreover, it is easy to cook and does not take a lot of time. For making these delicious kabobs, you need to cut 1½ pound boneless beef sirloin steak and veggies into 1½'' cubes, preferably of the same size.
Marinade it with spicy sauces and other favorite marinade mixes. Skewer the meat cubes with the vegetables making sure that you group vegetables on the same skewer with similar cooking time. The approximate time for grilling 1½" cubes of steak kabobs is around 15 to 20 minutes at about 4" above medium hot coals.

Grilling Flank Steak

Cut from the abdominal muscles of the cow. Flank steaks or skirt steaks are long and flat cuts of meat used in dishes like fajitas and the London broil. Before grilling the steak, you need to marinate it in oil, soy sauce, vinegar, lemon juice, Worcestershire sauce, mustard, garlic, and ground black pepper so that the steak is covered thoroughly.
Preheat the grill to medium heat and pour some oil. Place the flank steak pieces on the grill. For a medium rare grilled steak, cook for three to four minutes of each side on high heat.
Although this information may not make you an expert griller overnight, but with practice and loads of patience you will learn to make this dish which is sure to be a definite crowd-pleaser.