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Grilled Eggplant Recipe

Bhakti Satalkar
If you have eggplant growing in your garden, you may want to know about a grilled eggplant recipe using which you can make delicious eggplant dishes. The following story elucidates some delectable ones. Have a look.
There are a number of people who are not really fond of eggplant, but when there are fresh ones in your garden, would you not want to savor your garden harvest, and have some fresh grilled eggplant? For vegetarians, this vegetable can become an excellent summer grilling recipe.

Grilled Eggplant

This is a wonderful recipe, which uses balsamic vinegar, herbs, and olive oil for grilling eggplant. Let's see the other ingredients required and the method to prepare it.

  • Garlic (finely minced), 2 cloves
  • Eggplant (large), 1
  • Olive Oil, 3 tablespoons
  • Balsamic Vinegar, 2 tablespoons
  • Thyme, 1 pinch
  • Basil, 1 pinch
  • Dill, 1 pinch
  • Oregano, 1 pinch
  • Salt and Pepper, as per taste

1. Heat the grill. While it is getting heated, slice the eggplant into ½ inch thick slices
2. In a small bowl take olive oil, balsamic vinegar, garlic, herbs, salt, and pepper and whisk them.
3. Brush the slices of eggplant on both the sides with the oil and herb mixture.
4. Now, place the slices on the heated grill, and grill for about 15 to 20 minutes. Remember not to turn the slices more than once. If you turn them more than once, they will become hard and may not taste good.

Honey Garlic Grilled Eggplant

This is a different recipe for grilling an eggplant. With this recipe you will be able to serve two people.
  • Paprika/Chili, 1 teaspoon
  • Honey, 1 tablespoon
  • Eggplant, 1
  • Garlic cloves (mashed), 2
  • Olive Oil, 2 tablespoons
  • Balsamic Vinegar, 2 teaspoons
  • Salt and Pepper, to taste

1. Peel stripes of skin off the eggplant so that you create a zebra-like pattern of skin and no skin. Not only does this look decorative, but the slice is easier to bite into as well. Then slice the eggplant into ½ inch thick rings.
2. Sprinkle salt on both the sides of the slices, and place them on a large sheet of paper towels. With the salt, the eggplant will leave water and will become more succulent and less watery after it is cooked.
3. Let the slices sit for 15 minutes. Then dry both the sides well with paper towels.
4. While the slices are drying, mix honey, olive oil, garlic, chili, vinegar, and pepper. If required you can also add salt to it. Then dunk both the sides of each slice into it.
5. Heat the grill. Brush oil on the grill, and place the slices on the grill.
6. Cover them, and let them grill on medium heat for about 3 to 4 minutes.
7. Change the sides and brush the marinade on the other side, then let it grill again for 3 to 4 minutes. When the slices are brown, remove them from heat.
8. Drizzle with olive oil and your eggplant is ready to be eaten.

Italian Grilled Eggplant Cakes

Now let's see how can we makes cakes with the eggplant.

  • Eggplant, 2 pounds
  • Egg, 1
  • Unseasoned Bread Crumbs (lightly toasted), ⅓ cup
  • Fresh Parsley (chopped), 3 tablespoons
  • Parmesan Cheese (grated), 3 tablespoons
  • Flour, 2 tablespoons
  • Canola Oil, ½ tablespoon
  • Garlic Cloves (minced)
  • Salt and Pepper, to taste

1. Heat the grill to 400ºF.
2. Wash, but do not trim, the eggplant and brush with canola oil. After oiling, place it on the grill.
3. Let it cook, till it becomes tender and a toothpick pierces the skin easily. It will take approximately 40 minutes to cook.
4. Set it to cool. Once it cools, peel the skin, cut it, and leave it aside so that the juices will drain out.
5. Now chop it finely and combine it with bread crumbs, parsley, garlic, egg, cheese, salt, and pepper. Mix well, till all of it is uniformly mixed.
6. Then shape the mixture into little cakes and lay the cakes on to a large plate.
7. Bake the cakes in preheated oven at 300ºF until golden brown. These cakes can be served hot or cold.
With these grilled eggplant recipes, you can have delicious no fuss appetizers. Eggplants are perfect BBQ menu. We are sure even those who do not like this veggie will savor it, if made with the recipes mentioned above.