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Ginger Candy

Madhavi Ghare
The benefits of ginger root are many and ginger candy is the best way to reap all the goodness of it. And making ginger candy at home is very simple as well.
Ginger root is a well-known spice used in cooking all over the world. It has many benefits; most notably, it aids in curing the symptoms of nausea. It's tea also has a lot of beneficial effects, especially with coughs and colds. Ginger candies can help alleviate symptoms of motion sickness and morning sickness.
  • 2 cups ginger (sliced into ⅛-inch thick and 1-inch wide pieces)
  • 8½ cups water
  • 8 teaspoons salt
  • 4 cups sugar
  • 2 teaspoons lemon juice
Method of Preparation:
  • Place the slices of ginger in a pot. Pour enough water over them, so that all the pieces are immersed.
  • Boil this over medium heat for about 5-6 minutes. Then, drain all the water.
  • Repeat this process for 3-4 times to make the ginger mild in flavor.
  • Poke holes into the ginger pieces using a fork, and blot the excess moisture with a paper towel. This process will help the ginger pieces absorb the syrup.
  • Fill another pot with 2 cups of water, 1½ cups of sugar, 2 teaspoons of salt, and lemon juice. Mix thoroughly and bring to a boil over medium heat.
  • Let the mixture simmer for 2 minutes after it boils. Then, set it aside and allow it to cool.
  • Place the ginger slices in a glass jar with an airtight cap, and pour the syrup mixture on top of the slices. Cap the jar tightly. Place the glass jar overnight in a cool place.
  • The next day, transfer only the syrup into a pot, and add 2 cups of sugar and 2 teaspoons of salt to it. Bring this to a boil over medium heat, and let it simmer for 2 minutes.
  • Cool this mixture, and then pour it over the ginger pieces in the glass jar. Cap the jar tightly, and let it stand overnight in a cool place.
  • The next day, again, transfer only the syrup to a pot, and add ½ cup of sugar and 2 teaspoons of salt to it. Bring the mixture to a boil over medium heat, and let it simmer for 2 minutes.
  • Cool the mixture and pour it over the ginger pieces in the jar. After capping the jar tightly, let this stand in a cool place overnight.
  • The next day, finally, repeat the process by adding another ½ cup of sugar and 2 teaspoons of salt to the syrup. This time, however, let the jar stand in a cool place for 2 nights.
  • 2 days later, strain the syrup and ginger slices. Discard the syrup.
  • On a cookie sheet lined with foil, place the ginger slices next to each other.
  • Dry these in the sun, or place in the oven on the lowest heat. Do this till the ginger pieces begin to dry and have a glistening or glazed look.
  • Once the pieces are dry, toss the rest of the sugar along with these dried ginger pieces.
  • Your ginger candy is ready! You can store the candy in an airtight container for over 3 months.