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Fondant Icing Recipe

Marlene Alphonse
Wondering what is a fondant icing recipe? A fondant is a coating used for cakes and pastries. Read on for more information on this icing recipe.
Fondant is a type of icing that can be seen on cookies and cakes, especially wedding cakes. Fondant icing is used for decorating cakes, which makes the cake look yummy and tempting. There are various methods in which a fondant icing recipe is made.
It can be made into a stiff topping that can be rolled out like a dough, or a gooey and syrupy mixture that can be poured over the cake. Another version of fondant is the uncooked one which is made using confectioner's sugar. Let's learn about the different methods in which fondant icing is made.

Easy Fondant Icing


● Confectioner's sugar, 2 pounds
● Unflavored gelatin, 1 tablespoon
● Cornstarch, 1 tablespoon
● Cold water, ¼ cup
● Glycerin, 1½ tablespoons
● Glucose or white corn syrup, ½ cup
● Desired flavoring, 1 teaspoon


In large bowl (preferably a ceramic bowl), sift the confectioner's sugar and keep aside. In a saucepan, heat the water and add the gelatin. Stir briskly till the gelatin dissolves and becomes clear. Turn off the heat, stir in the glucose and glycerin and mix till the contents blend well.
Make a well in the middle of the sugar, pour the contents of the saucepan and stir till the ingredients are mixed properly. Knead the icing till it becomes firm. If you find the mixture to be sticky, you can sprinkle confectioner's sugar while kneading to give it a stiff consistency.
Roll the mixture into a ball and store it in an air tight container, after wrapping it in a plastic wrap, at room temperature.

To apply a coat of fondant to the cake, spread the buttercream on the cake.
The buttercream helps the fondant to stick to the cake. Flatten the icing using a rolling pin, till it is ¼ inches thick, on a surface that is freshly dusted with cornstarch.
Carefully lift the rolled fondant and place it on top of the cake. With your hands (don't forget to dust your hands with cornstarch), smoothen the fondant evenly over the cake till the surface is even.
Cut off the extra fondant with a knife and decorate the cake with royal icing. Store the cake at room temperature as the fondant tends to remain fresh for approximately two days.

Rolled Fondant Icing


● Confectioner's sugar, 8 cups
● Unflavored gelatin, 1 package
● Vanilla extract, 1 teaspoon
● Cold water, ¼ cup
● Glycerin, 1 tablespoon
● Glucose syrup, ½ cup
● Shortening, 2 tablespoons


Heat a saucepan of water, mix the gelatin and stir till the gelatin dissolves completely. Stir in the glycerin, glucose and shortening and mix them properly. Turn off the burner and mix the vanilla extract.
Allow this mixture to cool down till it becomes lukewarm. In a large bowl, add four cups of confectioner's sugar and make a well in the middle using a spatula. Pour in the lukewarm gelatin and stir thoroughly.
Keep adding sugar till the mixture is not sticky. Knead this fondant with the remaining sugar till it becomes smooth. Store this in an airtight container at room temperature and before using the fondant, knead it again till it becomes smooth and soft. Try this icing for cookies.

Pouring Fondant Icing


● Confectioner's or powdered sugar, 6 cups
● Almond extract, 1 teaspoon
● Water, ½ cup
● Light corn syrup, 2 tablespoons
● Icing colors


In a medium-sized bowl, mix water and corn syrup and keep aside. Heat a saucepan and combine confectioner's sugar with the water-corn syrup mixture and stir till the sugar is dissolved. Continue stirring till the mixture gets a thin consistency (ensure that it is thick enough so that it doesn't run off the cake).
Add the icing colors and almond extract and remove the saucepan from the burner. Pour this mixture in a circular motion on the already iced cake, by touching the sides with a spatula. This is one of the best recipes of fondant icing for wedding cake as it gives a smooth and shiny finish to the cake.
People usually think that fondant icing is only related to wedding cakes. But icing can also be used for simple cakes, cookies and even chocolates. You can try a different icing recipe for any cake, even homemade cakes, by mixing ingredients of your choice and relish its delightful flavor.