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Easy Recipes to Make the Most Delicious Tilapia

Deeptee A
Tilapia is a very tasty fish, packed with nutrition. What's more, tilapia recipes are very easy to make as well. Try the given recipes and see for yourself.
Tilapia is a freshwater fish which survives in warm temperatures. Being vegetarian, the mercury levels in this fish are low, and it is also low in fats and sodium. Needless to say, the recipes made from this fish also taste great.
Mentioned here are some healthy tilapia recipes which are not only easy to make but will also keep your family asking for more.

Grilled Tilapia Recipes

Recipe 1

  • 6 tilapia fillets
  • 2 cups Italian dressing
  • 3 peppers (jalapenos)
  • 1½ cups (thinly sliced) carrots, capsicum, and cabbage
  • Fresh parsley
  • Salt and black pepper to taste
  • Preheat the grill after spraying some cooking oil over it.
  • Wash and dry the fillets.
  • Pour one cup of the Italian dressing in a bowl with a lid, place the fillets in it, and coat them.
  • Cover the bowl and allow the fillets to marinate.
  • Roast the peppers in the grill for a couple of minutes, and roughly chop them.
  • Meanwhile, in another bowl, combine the remaining dressing with the sliced vegetables and peppers, and season them with the salt and black pepper.
  • Remove the fish and toss out the dressing.
  • Grill the fish till it flakes easily on both the sides. This should take about 3 minutes.
  • Remove the fish, sprinkle the chopped parsley, and serve it with the salad.

Recipe 2

  • 4 tilapia fillets
  • 5 garlic cloves
  • 1 bunch fresh lemon balm leaves
  • 2 tsp. dried herbs
  • 2 tbsp. (chopped) cilantro
  • Few lemon slices
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • Wash and pat dry the fish fillets.
  • Preheat the oven and spray cooking oil over the grill rack.
  • On a foil, place some lemon balm leaves with one garlic clove (slightly crushed for better flavor). Then, place the fish in the foil, and sprinkle the dried herbs, salt, and pepper over it.
  • Cover the foil carefully. Repeat with the other fillets.
  • Grill the fillets for about 12 to 15 minutes in the oven.
  • Remove from the foil, discard the lemon balm, and serve the fish sprinkled with cilantro leaves and lemon slices.

Baked Tilapia Recipes

Recipe 1

  • 6 tilapia fillets
  • ½ cup lemon juice
  • ½ cup melted butter
  • 1 tbsp. garlic oil
  • Freshly chopped cilantro
  • Salt, black pepper, and oregano according to taste
  • Wash and pat dry the fish fillets.
  • Preheat the oven to 425 °F.
  • Combine the butter, lemon juice, and garlic oil in a bowl, and lightly mix.
  • Dip the fillets into the prepared mixture and arrange them in a baking dish. Sprinkle the seasonings.
  • Bake the fish for about 15 minutes.
  • Remove and serve sprinkled with freshly chopped cilantro.

Recipe 2

  • 4 tilapia fillets
  • 1 cup salsa
  • Some olive oil
  • Oregano and some dried herbs as per taste
  • Salt to taste
  • 1 cup (grated) cheese
  • Wash and pat dry the fish fillets.
  • Preheat the oven at 400 °F, and keep a baking dish ready.
  • Add some olive oil to the salsa, along with the dried herbs, and mix it up.
  • Dip the fillets in the mixture, and place them in the baking dish.
  • Pour the remaining salsa mixture over the fillets, and season them with salt.
  • Sprinkle the grated cheese, and let the fish bake for about 20 minutes or until it is cooked.
  • Remove from the oven, and enjoy.
Due to the nutritional value of tilapia, it proves to be a very good choice for meal times. Make use of different ingredients in the kitchen, and enjoy this fish in a variety of delicious ways.