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3 Easy Methods to Freeze Rhubarb

Rucha Phatak
Have you ever wondered how you can have delicious rhubarb pies all throughout the year? Just the thought that rhubarb is available in any season, is a welcoming comfort to our stomachs. This story helps you to cook your favorite recipes providing you three best methods on how to freeze rhubarb.

What you didn't know

Rhubarb is a perennial vegetable. However, it is often used as a fruit because of its tart taste. It was officially reclassified as a fruit in the U.S.A. in 1947.
Cultivated in China around 2,000 years ago, rhubarb was known for its medicinal qualities. In the 18th century, it was introduced in Britain and America. It is used more for culinary purposes than for the medicinal properties it possesses. You can prepare many mouth-watering desserts with rhubarb.
However, rhubarb can be used with chicken, fish, and pork as well.

With the extensive usage of this fruit, it becomes necessary for it to be available in the markets every month. This is not possible as the fruit is available only between the months of March and June.
However, the forced rhubarbs (rhubarbs that are encouraged to grow early) are procurable in the markets in January and February as well. During the off season of this fruit, freezing it would be a better idea. The three methods to freeze rhubarb are: Dry Pack, Wet or Syrup Pack, and Sugar Pack.
Before using any of the freezing methods, wash the rhubarb thoroughly and dry them. Chop off the leaves as they have poisonous substances. Use only stalks to freeze.

➦ It is okay not to dry them completely; however, the stalks should not be dripping wet.
➦ Peel off the tough skin on the stalks.
➦ Then, cut them into small 1-inch pieces or of desirable lengths.
➦ After washing and cutting the rhubarb, you can follow either of the below methods to store them.

Dry Pack Method

➦ Pack the washed raw pieces of rhubarb in an air-tight container or a zip-lock bag.
➦Remove the excess air as much as possible.
➦Tightly lock the container or the plastic bag.
➦Store it in the deep freeze.
To retain the color of rhubarb, you can blanch before storing it in the container.


➦Add the chopped raw rhubarb in boiling water.
➦Let it boil for a couple of minutes.
➦Remove rhubarb from boiling water, and immediately put it in chilled water to stop the process of cooking.
➦Drain excess water from the rhubarb.
➦Blanching before freezing will keep its color fresh.

Wet or Syrup Pack Method

➦Prepare a sugar syrup by dissolving sugar in boiling water.
➦To prepare a light sugar syrup, dissolve 2 cups of sugar in 6 cups of water. For medium sugar syrup, you can use 3 cups of sugar, alternatively for heavy sugar syrup, use 4 cups of sugar in 6 cups of water.
➦After dissolving the sugar, remove the syrup from heat.
Let the syrup cool.
➦Put the chopped rhubarb in a container, and pour the syrup over it.
➦Remove excess air.
➦Tightly lock the container.
➦Store it in the freezer.
Instead of the sugar syrup, you can use any fruit juice for the wet pack method. It will give an additional flavor to your frozen rhubarb.

Sugar Pack Method

➦ Sprinkle sugar on your chopped rhubarb. For example, you can take 1 cup of sugar for 4 cups of rhubarb.
➦ Let it sit while the sugar dissolves.
➦ Put the rhubarb in a container.
➦ Remove excess air.
➦ Seal the container properly.
➦ Place it in the freezer.
The rhubarb can be stored for a good 9-12 months.
The variety in the use of rhubarb in numerous dishes makes it even more desirable. Now, no one has to wait for the rhubarb season to begin. If you use fresh rhubarb and freeze it properly, you can prepare delicious rhubarb recipes whenever your heart or tummy craves for it!