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Collins Mixers Make At-Home Cocktails A Breeze!

Katie Rose Cronin
Collins Brothers first opened their doors in 1934, right after the end of prohibition, and the company has evolved alongside the American cocktail tradition. Over 80 years later, they continue to give their customers the quality ingredients they deserve, to easily enjoy cocktails in their homes.
In 1934, the year after prohibition ended, Collins Brothers began to make cocktail mixers for the working population of Chicago and the Midwest. Although Collins has grown and expanded over the past 85 years, their commitment to provide quality, easy to use mixers at a great price remains unchanged.
Summer never has to end with Grapefruit Margaritas! Refreshing and zesty, Grapefruit Margaritas bring new life to a fan favorite.

Garnishes, Rimmers, Syrups!

Give your martini a stiff kick with Collins' double stuffed jalapeno and garlic olives. Fewer, fresher ingredients mean better cocktails!

Fresh and Delicious Mixers

Made with only the highest quality ingredients, Collins covers all of your cocktail needs. Visit https://www.truebrands.com/brands/collins.html for more information. Cheers!