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Breakfast Ideas for Kids

Mayuri Kulkarni
Are you searching for some healthy breakfast ideas for kids? Then check out some ideas given here...
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day and ironically most of us choose to skip it. Breakfast is the time when we break the fast that we underwent the whole night while sleeping. Thus, the breakfast should be such that it gives you all the energy to survive till the lunch time.
Kids must consume a healthy breakfast for an overall growth of their body. Let us take a look at some breakfast ideas for kids.

Kids Breakfast Ideas

When it comes to kids, they specially need a heavy and healthy breakfast, to concentrate in the school. It has been observed, that kids who eat breakfast regularly, perform well in the examinations and also have good fitness level. Having breakfast does not mean that one should eat anything. Many parents do this mistake.
Due to the busy work schedule, many moms serve their kids with ready-made foods, that are high in sugar and calories. But you can spare some extra time to prepare a healthy breakfast for your kid, by using some quick breakfast recipes. It is always better to make the breakfast preparations before sleeping, so that, you do not have to hurry up in the morning.
You need not always jump on breakfast recipes, that require too much of preparation, there are many easy-to-prepare and quick breakfast ideas for kids. Some of them are given here.

Egg Breakfast

Eggs make for some of the wonderful high protein breakfast ideas for kids. You can prepare number of recipes from egg, that your kids will love. Even a simple hard-boiled egg with some sprinkled pepper and salt, can make a good breakfast.
Come up with some delicious omelet recipes and include favorite ingredients of your kid. Use cheese and variety of veggies to make the omelet. Serve these with juice and bread slices. Eggs make a healthy breakfast because they will keep your kid active for the rest of the day.


Fresh fruits are tasty and equally healthy and they make a good breakfast for your kid. You can serve the fruits in their whole forms or prepare some recipes from them.
Many kids do not like to eat fruits in whole form. In such a case, you can come up with different recipes of fruits. Even a simple fruit dip makes for a good breakfast idea. You can also make a combination of fruits and breakfast cereal.
Purchase a variety of fresh fruits on the previous day and keep them ready for any type of demands. Fruits are high in vitamins and antioxidants and hence, make for healthy breakfast. You can also make a combination of different fruits, to make milkshakes, smoothies or salads.


Kids love sandwiches and hence, you just cannot go wrong with this breakfast idea. A yummy sandwich with a glass of milk makes a good combination for breakfast.
Include variety of vegetables in the sandwich, to make it good for health. You can serve it in toasted or grilled form. If you use wheat bread or brown bread, instead of the regular white bread, then it will be more beneficial for your kid.
Use veggies like cucumber, potatoes, tomatoes and cheese in the sandwich. You can opt for other sandwich recipes which contain mushroom and other ingredients. Sandwiches can also be eaten on the go and hence, when your kid is in a hurry he can still grab this delicious breakfast.
These were some suggestions on breakfast ideas for kids. Use the suggestions given here and come up with innovative breakfast ideas of your own. Remember, your kid should have a breakfast like a king or queen, to have a healthy and fit body.