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Amuse Bouche Ideas

Rimlee Bhuyan

Amuse bouche is a French phase that translates to "to please the mouth". It is served as a tiny bite of food before the meal to tease the appetite.
An amuse bouche is typically served in fine dining restaurants at the beginning of a meal. What is amuse bouche? It is a bite sized morsel of food that is designed to showcase the talents of the chef and should have the right balance of flavor, texture and color. The amuse bouche differs from an appetizer because it is a dish that can be consumed in a single bite.
The most important difference between an amuse bouche and an appetizer is that it is served to the guests free of cost and it cannot be selected from a menu. An amuse bouche can also be served at home for a dinner party or cocktail party. It is a wonderful way for the hostess to experiment with different food combinations and come up with something spectacular.

Amuse Bouche Recipe Ideas

The most important thing to remember while trying out amuse bouche recipes is that the presentation of the amuse bouche should be creative and innovative. The food should taste great and it should not be overpowered by too much herbs and spices. There should be a perfect harmony of flavors and textures.
The key to good amuse bouche recipes is to use only the freshest produce and seasonal fruits and vegetables. Serve amuse bouche artistically in Chinese soup spoons, shot glasses or mini plates.
One of the good amuse bouche ideas is to serve a rich and flavorful soup in a shot glass. The purpose of an amuse bouche is to work like a small curtain raiser and create anticipation of what is to come.

Seared Scallop with Port Wine Reduction

  • 4 fresh scallops
  • ¼ tablespoon white pepper
  • 1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil
  • 1 tablespoon plain unsalted butter
  • 2 cups ruby port
  • ½ teaspoon salt
  • 2 tablespoons canola oil
  • ½ cup arugula leaves
In a small saucepan, pour the ruby port and simmer it over low heat until the port is reduced. Add the butter slowly into the port and whisk it. Remove the port mixture from the flame and set it aside.
Add salt and white pepper into the scallops and rub them well. Saute the scallops in a skillet with canola oil sear them on each side for 1 to 2 minutes. Toss the arugula with extra virgin olive oil, salt and white pepper. To serve, place the scallops on individual serving dishes and drizzle with port wine reduction and top with arugula leaves.

Caramelized Aubergine Tartare

  • 1 medium aubergine
  • 1 clove garlic, thinly sliced
  • 2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar
  • 1 tablespoon caster sugar
  • 1 teaspoon Tabasco sauce
  • 1 teaspoon allspice mix
  • 15 g walnuts
  • 15 g blanched almonds
  • ¼ teaspoon salt
  • 2 sprigs lemon thyme
  • 2 tablespoons fromage frais
Cut the aubergine half lengthwise and then cut two thin slices from the center. Chop the rest of the aubergine into small cubes and place them in a bowl of salted water. Heat olive oil in a pan and add the lemon thyme and garlic and cook them till the garlic turns golden brown. Drain the aubergines from water and add to the pan along with sugar.
When the aubergines are done, remove them from the pan and place them in a bowl. Add salt, balsamic vinegar and Tabasco and set it aside. Now fry the sliced aubergines until it is soft and brown. Toast the walnuts and almonds lightly in a non stick pan and keep aside.
Place the aubergine tartare on two plates and wrap the aubergine slice around each. Beat the fromage frais with some salt until it stands in peaks. Add the toasted nuts and drizzle some of the fromage frais over the aubergines.
These were some amuse bouche recipes for you to try, the next time you are throwing a party. Serve your guests these divine amuse bouche and you will be well-known as a sophisticated hostess.