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Add More Flavor to Your Foods With Berries

Kevin Devoto
If you are looking for a healthy ingredient to add a dash of sweetness to your diet, berries are a wonderful option. There are a variety of berries that can suit all your needs and have unique flavor profiles as well as health benefits.


Perhaps the most popular and well known berry is the humble blueberry, which has several health benefits. Blueberries are very low in calories and offer a tangy sweetness, so they are a wonderful snack to enjoy without worrying about the caloric impact.
Blueberries are known for their powerful antioxidant effects, and have Vitamin K and Vitamin C. The nutritional benefits that blueberries offer compared to their small size makes them a superfood. They have been observed to lower the risk of contracting heart disease, as well as sharpen cognitive abilities and memory function.

Aronia Berries

One of the little known but still delicious berries in existence, the aronia berry is extremely beneficial to your digestive system. Aronia berries have been shown to have a significantly positive impact on the immune system, as well as contain a large amount of micronutrients that contain antioxidants and a variety of other vitamins and minerals.


Raspberries are a delicious add on to anything, from smoothies to frozen yogurt. However, they also pack a powerful nutritional punch. A single cup of these tart berries contains over half of what a regular person needs in a daily Vitamin C requirement.
Like blueberry, they also contain impressive amount of antioxidants. They are incredibly high in fiber, a supplement many Americans do not get nearly enough  on a daily basis. Raspberries and other berries have flavonoids, which improve your memory and brain functioning. Raspberries are a popular addition to desserts, and even great to eat solely!

Goji Berries

Originally from Asia, goji berries have historically served the dual function of being an ancient herbal remedy as well as a source of food. Goji berries, like many of their berry relatives, are loaded with antioxidants, and specifically help to protect your eyes against damage from harmful UV rays and effects of aging on your vision.


The blackberry is most tasty when it is put into a slice of pie, or on top of ice cream. Like many other types of berries, blackberries are extremely high in fiber, and contain manganese, Vitamin C, and Vitamin K, which are vital for your health and well being.
Vitamin C is beneficial for your body to absorb iron, treat common illnesses such as cold and flu, and improve your skin. A unique property of blackberries is they prevent gum disease from poor dental hygiene. Try adding blackberries to your diet on a regular basis and reap rewards.
Berries are not only an appetizing treat, but they serve a variety of purposes for your health benefits. With these options, you are sure to fulfill many of your nutritional needs through simply incorporating berries into your meal regimen.